Supplements For Neurogenesis And Neurotrophy
Vertical dendrites, Jason Snyder,

Supplements For Neurogenesis And Neurotrophy

I've been corresponding with a friend who has a debilitating nerve condition that has him in a wheelchair and seriously limits his activities. He's committed to doing whatever it takes…

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The Nature of Judgment


"A right judgment draws us a profit from all things we see." - William Shakespeare
Judgment has a bad rep in our culture. Ironically, there is a popular opinion that judgment is bad - which is a judgment of judgment itself. I'm going to make a case for the right use of judgment.

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Supplements for Life
My supplements armory spring 2017

Supplements for Life

"Let food by thy medicine, and thy medicine be food.” - Hippocrates (father of Western medicine) Some people don't like taking supplements. They consider it "unnatural". They say "I eat…

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